
The Billing tab allows the current administrator to view (and edit if it is the case) the billing information for the current account, along with a monthly report with the account activity during a billing month.

Billing interface
Billing interface

Billing info

The section displays the following data:

Monthly subscription
the total value of the monthly subscripton, in euros;
Monthly national minutes bundle
the total number of minutes, included in the monthly subscription;
Extra national minute cost
the cost for one minute exceeding the minutes included in the monthly subscription, in eurocents;
Premium SMS message bundle
the total number of premium SMS messages, included in the monthly subscription;
Extra premium SMS cost
the cost for one premium SMS message exceeding the sms included in the monthly subscription, in eurocents;
First day of a billing cycle
represents the day of the month when the monthly limits for the account are reset and, also, the day that is used for generating the monthly reports;
Billing time zone
is used for computing the 00:00 hour within the first day of a billing cycle.

To edit the values inside the billing info panel, the administrator must press the Edit button available inside the page menu.

Edit button
Edit button

The edit button is only available to the administrator having the required credentials.

Monthly report

This section displays data about the account activity within a billing month.

The report contains the following data:

The first (included) day of the report.
The last (included) day of the report.
Sent SMS
Total number of SMS messages send within the interval.
Outbound calls duration (national VoIPIT)
The total duration for outbound calls inside the VoIPIT network.
Outbound calls duration (national other networks)
The total duration for outbound calls in other national networks.
Outbound calls duration (international)
The total duration for outbound calls to international destinations.

On the first page access the data for the current month is displayed. The user can select a previous month by pressing the Change button available within the section menu.

Month change button
Month change button

The duration for each value is calculated in a "billing" mode. The first minute will not be truncated. For a 40 seconds call, the counter will add a full minute.