
The Limits tab sets up the various limits for different types of elements for the account.

Storage limit for recorded calls
storage space in cloud (on the server) for storing the audio files with recorded calls;
Storage limit for virtual faxes
storage space in cloud (on the server) for the virtual faxes files;
Maximum number of queues
numarul maxim de cozi de asteptare care pot fi definite pe cont;
Maximum number of music on hold sets
the maximum number of queues that can be defined for this account;
Call center campaign limit
the maximum number of call center campaigns available (either active on inactive) for this account.

When the available storage limit is reached, Accolades will delete the oldest documents, until the total size of the files is below the limit.

Accolades will start the procedure for deleting old files once every 24 hours, usually at night time. For this reason it is possible, in some cases, that the total size of the stored files will exceed the defined threshold, until the next run of the procedure.