Music on hold

The music on hold tab is used for managing the music on hold sets defined for the account.

A music on hold set is defined globally on the account and then can be attached to a phone, waiting queue etc.

An account can have a limited number of music on hold sets. To modify this limit you need to access the Limits tab from the account info page.

The music on hold sets can be viewed in the Music on hold sets section. The Add button from the section menu can be used for adding a new music on hold set.

The management operations for the sets are available after the user clicks the name of the music on hold set.

A set can be deleted only if that set is inactive (that is the only case when the delete button is available).

To add a file the user has to press the Add file button, available after clicking on the name of the set. The files have to be in the .wav format and can not exceed 3 MB each.

To delete a file, the user has to select the Delete button, displayed after clicking on the name of the file.