Dashbaord templates
To simplify the dashboard initialization process, Accolades allows for saving up to 6 templates for each administrator account. This way, when your workflow requires starting up the dashboard each day, you will not have to configure the interface each time. You will configure the layout just once, you will save the configuration as a template and, when you have to start the dashboard, you will only have to load up the template.
The page for configuring the dashboard has a section called "Templates". Using this interface, the administrator can load or save up to 6 templates.
Save template
After a dashboard layout has been configured, with one or more slides defined, the user can save the configuration by pressing the Save template button, from the "Templates" section.
After the button has been pressed, the user has to select one of the 6 slots for saving the configuration. If the user select a slot that already contains a template, then it will be overwritten.
The next screen, after the slot selection asks the user to fill in a name for the template. It is recommended to also input some remarks, to better identify the template, when loading it up later.
Load template
To load an existing template, the user will have to press the Templates button from the section with the same name. Accolades will display the 6 slots for saving templates, from which the user has to select the required one.
If the selection has a template (the user has selected a slot that does not have the Undefined value) then Accolades will display the description of the template (if it has one) along with the Load button. By pressing the button, the template will be loaded.
Starting the template
After the template has been loaded, the user can start the dashboard in the normal way, by pressing the button placed on the lower part of the page.
If it is necessary, the user can edit the loaded configuration. The edited fields will not be saved to the template, but they will be processed by the dashboard.