Call center report: Agents activity

The report will generate an activity overview off all agents, for each waiting queue, for each campaign with at least one call and for each agent logged in to the call center.

For each agent logged in to the queue in the selected interval, the following data will be displayed:

the name of the agent;
total time spent by the agent, logged in to the waiting queue;
In call
the duration of all agent calls;
Pause - after call
the total duration of all after call breaks, for the agent;
Pause - business
the total duration of all business breaks, for the agent;
Pause - personal
the total duration of all personal breaks, for the agent;
the total time spent by the agent waiting for a call;
Total calls
total number of calls processed by the agent.

For each campaign with at least one call in the selected interval, the following data will be displayed:

the name of the agent;
Total calls
total number of calls started by the agent;
Total answered calls
total number of calls answered by the calee.
In call
the duration of all agent calls, from the campaign.

The last table of the report displays global information about the agents with some activity during the selected interval. The following columns are displayed:

given name and family name for the agent;
Total calls
Total calls the total number of calls processed by the agent (the number of incoming calls from the waiting queues added with the number of calls started by the agent from the campaigns);
Total answered calls
the total number of calls answered (the total number of incoming calls from the waiting queues added with the number of answered calls from the campaigns);
In call
The total duration of calls processed by the agent in the selected interval.