Time conditions day sets

A set of days consists of a list with one or more days that Accolades will use for determining the action for an incoming call.


Based on their frequency 3 types of sets can be defined in Accolades:

the set contains one or more days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday;
the set contains one or more days from a year: 1st of January, 2nd of January, 25th of December;
the set contains exact days: 8th of April 2018, 28th of April 2019, 19th of April 2020;

Usually the weekly type is used for defining the regular schedule for an account. The yearly type is used for defining the legal holidays that have the same date, from one year to another. The unique set of days is used for the legal holidays that have a changing date, based on the year (for example, the Easter).

Based on the level they are defined, there are 2 types of sets:

Defined on a server level
these types can be selected in any account and are usually used for defining the legal holidays;
defined on an account level
these types can only be selected inside the account (on a regular basis, these types of sets are not used).


The sets of days defined at an account level can be added and viewed from the account info page, using the Time conditions tab.

The page has many sections, one of them being called "Sets of days". Here all the sets for this account are displayed. To add a new set, the administrator must click the Add button from the section menu.

The sets of days defined at a server level can be accessed from the main menu, using the Server module and the Time condition option.

To edit or delete a set of days, the administrator must first access the set info page and then press the Edit or Delete button, from the page menu.


A set of days has the following properties:

the generic name for the set;
an info text, that will be displayed to the administrator, when this set is selected for creating a rule;
the frequency for the defined days: weekly (Monday, Tuesday etc.), yearly (1st of January, 2nd of January, 25th of December) or unique (8th of April 2018, 28th of April 2019).
List of days
A list with the defined days for this set.