Account identity

The Identity tab allows the administrator to view and edit the identity properties for an account inside Accolades.


The interface to view the identity data for the account is shown below.

Identity interface
Identity interface

The data is divided into two groups.

The first section displays data about the account identity:

Identity type
the identity type of the account (a person or a company);
the name of the company owning the account;
Family name
the family name of the person owning the account;
Given name
the given name of the person owning the account;
the email address of the person owning the account;
general remarks about the account.

The second section allows setting up the theme to be used by all administrator and agents that are using the account theme for the interface. The administrator can select either a predefined theme or a custom one.

To select a theme the administrator must press the Edit button, as shown below.

Edit theme
Edit theme


To edit the data, an administrator must press the Edit button, available inside the page menu.


Account deletion is available only if the account has no children (users, queues, ivr etc.).

If an administrator has credentials then the delete process can be started by pressing the Delete button inside the page menu.