Șabloane email
The The Email templates tab allows the administrator to configure email messages to be sent when a call event is triggered.
Add new template
To add a new template the administrator must press the Add button, visible after the "Template list"section menu is toggled..
Edit and delete
To edit or delete an existing template the user must press the template name, to display detailed information about the template, along with the available actions.
Template properties
The interface shown below is used for both adding new templates and editing existing ones.
The "Template info " section contains general data about the template.
- Name
- the name of the template;
- Remarks
- remarks for the template.
The "Email destination" section contains the addresses where the email will be sent.
- To
- one or more addresses, comma separated;
- CC
- one or more addresses, comma separated;
- one or more addresses, comma separated.
The "Variables" section just shows the available variables that can be used inside the "Subject" and "Content". When the mail is about to be sent, Accolades will update the variables with their values when the mail is about to be sent. The following variables can be used:
- $acc_uniqueId
- (number.number) the unique id for the call, inside the Accolades system;
- $acc_startTime
- (DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS) date and time when call started;
- $acc_answerTime
- (DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS) date and time for the answer event;
- $acc_hangupTime
- (DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS) date and time when call ended;
- $acc_duration
- (MM:SS) call duration in minutes and seconds;
- $acc_from
- the caller id for the call;
- $acc_to
- destination call number;
- $acc_finalDestination
- final destination call number (different from $acc_to for redirected calls);
- $acc_answered
- ("yes" or "no") call answer status;
- $acc_callType
- ("external" or "local") type of call, relative to the user account;
- $acc_direction
- ("inbound" or "outbound") direction of call, relative to the user.
The "Email" section contains several properties used for email generation.
- Subject
- the email subject;
- Language
- the language used for text based variables;
- Time zone
- the time zone used for time based variables;
- Attach audio file
- if active then the email will have the audio file attached as long as the file exists and it does not exceeds 10MB.
Using the last interface section the administrator can edit the body of the mail.