Waiting queues outgoing calls
Info about the properties of the queues can be viewed and edited from the account info page of the queue, by accessing the Queues tab, followed by clicking the queue name.
The Outgoing calls tab allows for viewing and editing the properties for different types of calls that can be initiated by the queue.
For a queue to be able to start a certain type of call, that type must be active both on the user level and on the account level (that can be set up from the Outgoing calls tab on the Account info page).
The following types of calls can be set up:
- defines the permission to start outgoing calls to other numbers inside VoIPIT network;
- Național
- the national property defines the permission to start national calls (in Romania);
- International partial
- defines the permission to start outgoing calls to some international destinations (defined from the queue account interface);
- International
- property defines the permission for the queue to start international calls.
The outbound calls permissions can be set up by clicking the Edit button available inside the page menu.
Asterisk modules restart section defines if the asterisk modules using these settings should be restarted immediately (but ongoing calls can be affected) or just marked for restart at a later date. If postponed then the modules can be later restarted by an administrator using the Asterisk commands option from the Server menu.