Virtual fax identity

Info about the properties of the virtual faxes can be viewed and edited from the account info page of the fax, by accessing the Fax list tab, followed by clicking the virtual fax name.

The Identity tab allows for viewing and editing the properties of the virtual fax, specific to the identity of the fax, inside Accolades.

For a better structure, the info is divided into several sections:


Each virtual fax defined in Accolades requires some data about its identity.

First, the type of identity has to be defined: a person, a company or a device. Depending on the type of identity, additional fields will be displayed: family name and given name for a person, name for a company or for a device.

For sending notifications, including the received faxes an email address is required.

The administrator can also define the language used for sending emails, using the email language option.

The administrator can also fill in some remarks about the user, just for general use.

Multiple emails

This section allows setting up additional email addresses for sending the emails with received documents.

Account info

This section contains some data about the account that contains this user: the name and the type of the account.