Virtual fax telephony
Info about the properties of the virtual faxes can be viewed and edited from the account info page of the fax, by accessing the Fax list tab, followed by clicking the virtual fax name.
The Telephony tab allows for viewing and editing the properties of the virtual fax, specific to the fax protocol.
For a better structure, the info is divided into several sections:
- Telephony
- Phone numbers
- Account info
The telephony section defines the specific properties for sending and receiving the fax documents.
The wait time parameter defines the duration (in seconds) the server will wait for a fax tone.
The ECM (Error Correction Mode) option allows for verifying the data packets sent between machines, throughout the transmission. If errors are encountered then the data will be resent. If the phone line is weak, then this option can make the fax unusable.
The Header info option is used for defining the text that will be displayed in the header of the send pages.
The Local station ID defines the ID of the of this virtual fax.
The min rate and max rate options are used for setting up the bandwidth of the transmission.
No info on the gatweay and fax detect options.
Phone numbers
This section defines the phone numbers used by the virtual fax.
The public caller id option defines the phone number used by the virtual fax when sending document.
The DID (Direct Inward Dialing) defines the phone number that will be linked to the virtual fax, for receiving documents. This phone number has to be unique, at a server level.
The Local phone number defines the phone number that will be linked to the fax, from inside the account. This number has to be unique at a server level.
Account info
This section contains some data about the account that contains this user: the name and the type of the account.