Call center agent overview
The agents that are using the call center will perform the required tasks from the Call center module, by selecting the Agent section.
On a normal use of the application, the agent does not need to access other modules and / or options from the main menu, all the required functions are available in the Agent interface.
To use the interface, the agent has to have a phone device linked to his Accolades account.
If no device is linked to his account, then Accolades will ask the agent to link a phone, before displaying the call center interface.
You can not use the Call Center interface without linking a phone first.
Based on the agent status, on the upper part of the page one or more tabs will be displayed: Status, Identity, Edit identity, Edit address, Edit phone, Unknown caller, Reschedule call, Add to campaign, Contact selection, Call history Agent template.
The tabs are not always visible. They are shown according to the agent status in call center, the agent permissions and the active modules on the company account (for example, the tabs for the CRM module will be displayed only if the module is enabled on the account that the agent is using).