Devices connected to the call center interface
For an agent or a supervisor to be able to use the call center features, he has to have a phone device linked to his account. This type of operation allows the call center to use shifts (the same phone can be used by several agents, one at a time).
A phone can be linked to a single administrator (agent) at a time.
If an administrator / agent forgets to unlink the device, when logging out of the call center, then the supervisor can force this action, from the Call center module, by selecting the Device management section.
The page will display a list with all accounts that the administrator is allowed to manage, as a call center. For each account a list with all the devices that can be linked to an account is displayed.
The devices are listed as a table, with 3 columns:
- device status;
- device name;
- linked agent name.
Device status
Each device can be "Active" on "Inactive". The status is listed as an icon, with a text under it. The "Active" status describes a device that has an administrator / supervisor / agent linked to it. The "Inactive" status shows that the device has no account linked to it.
Device name
For a better management workflow, Accolades allows to define a generic name for each device. The second column of the table shows the name stated above. If the administrator has the necessary permissions, then the name can be clicked, to access the device info page.
The name of the linked account
The third column lists the name of the linked administrator / supervisor / agent. If no account is linked to this device, then the "undefined" value will be displayed. If the administrator has the necessary permissions, then the name can be clicked, to access the account info page.