Dashboard overview

Accolades can display various data about the call center as a dashboard.

This layout is optimized for large screens, running without any user interaction.

A dashboard has one or more slides that will be displayed one after the other. A slide can contain indicators about a single waiting queue. If it is desired, a dashboard can have more slides for the same waiting queue.

Each slide can have one or more indicators, according to the user preferences.

The slides will be displayed one after the other at 1 minute intervals. If the dashboard has only one slide, then the indicators will be updated every minute.

The layout is very flexible and can be configured in a lot of ways. Each indicator can be individually selected, in any order.

Example: Call center with just one waiting queue

A dashboard with only one slide

The layout will be initialized with only one slide that will have 4 indicators for the waiting queue:

Because just one slide is displayed, the data will be updated every minute.

A dashboard with 2 slides, for the same waiting queue

The first slide will contain the following indicators:

The second slide will contain the following indicators:

Because there are 2 slides displayed, Accolades will change them every minute.

Example: Call center with 3 waiting queues

A dashboard with only one slide

The layout will start with only one slide that will contain 4 indicators, for a single waiting queue (the other queues will be ignored by the dashboard):

Because the dashboard has only one slide, the indicators will be updated every minute.

A dashboard with three slides, one for each waiting queue

The layout will start with only three slides (one for every queue) that will contain 4 indicators each:

Because there are three slides, Accolades will switch between them every minute.