After call survey management

After call survey management is performed from the info page for the waiting queue attached to the survey, using the After-call survey tab.

Add, delete

The procedures for adding and deleting the survey are initiated by pressing the corresponding button from the page menu.


The Info section displays the general data about the survey, using two properties:

the generic name of the survey, as it will be displayed throughout Accolades;
defines the status of the survey (active - the survey runs, inactive - the survey does not run);

To edit these properties the user must press the edit button from the section menu.

Call consent

This section defines the process that Accolades uses to ask the caller for the consent to run the survey, after the current call ends.

The process will play back one or more audio files to the caller, before adding the call to the waiting queue. The keys used for accepting or rejecting the survey are also defined here.

Audio file example: "Do you agree to answer some questions regarding the quality of the information received, after the current call has finished? Press 1 for yes and 2 for no."

The section contains the following properties:

Media playback
sets up the playback of the media files to the caller. If the property is inactive then Accolades will ignore any media files and the consent will be set up according to the Default consent property;
Consent timeout
defines the interval that Accolades waits for a selection to be made by the caller, before defining the consent as it is set up within the Default consent property;
Default consent
defines the survey running status when the caller does not select any option or when no options are defined;
Key for allow
the key that the caller has to press to agree with the survey;
Key for deny
the key that the caller has to press to reject with the survey.

On the lower part of the section a list with the audio files that will be played to the caller is listed. The files are sorted alphabetically before being played. To add a new file the administrator has to press the Add file from the section menu.

By pressing the file name, the administrator can download or delete the selected file.


The section defines the questions that will be played to the caller, if it agreed to the survey.

To add a question the user has to press the Add button from the section menu.

By pressing the question name, the user can edit the question, download the audio file or delete the question from the survey. Under this menu a list with the available answers for the caller.

A question has the following properties:

defines the text of the question (a transcript of the audio file) to be used when creating reports;
Audio message
defines the audio file to be played to the caller.

For each question a set of answers can be defined. A response has two properties: the key that the caller has to press and the text describing the question.

Warning! If a question has no key defined, then the audio files will be played to the caller without the option to skip them. This case is used when setting up info messages (Ex: "Thank you for your time and have a nice day!").