IVR identity
The IVR properties can be viewed and edited from the IVR account info page, by accessing the IVR tab, pressing the IVR name and then the Info button.
The Identity tab allows for viewing and editing the IVR properties that are linked to the IVR identity inside the Accolades application. The properties displayed inside this tab have no effect over the call management procedures. The properties are only used to display the IVR inside Accolades.
The name property defines the IVR name, as it will be displays inside Accolades.
The remarks property defines any additional info about this IVR.
The account property defines the account that contains this IVR.
To delete an IVR the page menu, displayed near the IVR name has to be accessed and then the Delete button has to be pressed. This button is only displayed if the administrator has the necessary permissions.
To edit the IVR properties the administrator has to press the Edit button, from the page menu.