IVR configuration step
The step called "IVR configuration" is created automatically by Accolades when a new IVR is defines. This step can not be deleted, changed into another type. Also, no steps can be added in front of it.
Any call answered by this IVR will start from this step.
Accolades will set up the call and then it will send it further into the IVR structure, using the step defined inside the "Ok" option.
During this step, the variables that will be needed further on, must be defined (maximum 10 variables). The name of a variable can only contain letters (lowercase or uppercase) and digits. The name is case sensitive. Later in the IVR process, the variables can be accessed using a dollar prefix ($) and the variable name: $variableName.
Besides the variables defined by the administrator, accolades have some globally defined variables (available without any prior actions):
- $_callerId
- contains the phone number of the caller;
- $_destinationNumber
- contains the phone number dialled by the caller;
- $_callId
- contains the call ID inside Accolades and it can be used for call matching between different APIs;
- $_dateNow
- curent date, in YYYYMMDD format (ex: 29 january 2024 is formatted as 20240129).
Step options
The option allows the administrator to edit the parameters for this step.
The folder management is made using the "Folders" option. A description for this set of options has been made inside the "Common options" section of this chapter.
After the step has been finished, the call will move further into the IVR structure, by accessing the step defines in the "Continue" option.