Call center call info page
The call info page can be accessed from the call details page, by pressing the date and time of the call.
Any administrator (no matter if it is a supervisor or an agent) that can perform searches in the call center calls, can also access the call info page, for any search result.
The page displays the following data:
- The waiting queue for the call or the campaign that was used for starting the call;
- The agent that processed the call;
- The phone number;
- The call status;
- Call duration;
- The account for the call;
- The customer (from the CRM module) assigned to the call;
- Remarks (probably filled in by the agent, during the call).
Two buttons can be displayed on the page menu, depending on the administrator permissions:
- The Edit button will access the page for editing the customer and the remarks for the call;
- The Download button allows for downloading the recorded audio file of the call (if it is available).
If the call has been followed by an After call survey, successfully finished, then Accolades will display an additional section, called "After call survey", that displays the answers given by the caller.