IVR structure
The IVR properties can be viewed and edited from the IVR account info page, by accessing the IVR tab, pressing the IVR name and then the Info button.
The structure tab allows the logged in administrator to define and edit the IVR structure (the steps that a call will take through the app).
A description for each type of step inside the IVR structure is available in the next chapter: Structure management.
Basic concepts
The IVR is a sequence of steps, placed in a tree like structure. At a given moment, a call is placed inside one of these steps and is being processed based on the step properties.
To better understand the IVR-step concept, this model can be visualized as a folder structure inside a computer. The entire IVR is like a full folder structure and a step is like a single folder. At a given moment, a call is inside a step (a folder). Depending on the caller option, the call can revert to the previous step (just like "up one level") or can move further to a new step (enter into a subfolder of the current one).
When a new call enters the IVR, it is always landing into the first step, called IVR configuration. This step will configure the call based on the specific properties of the current IVR. After the configuration has been completed, the call will be passed on to the next step, inside the Ok folder.
If a call reached a folder that has no step defined, then Accolades will create (automatically) a hang up step and the call will be terminated.
For example, when a new IVR is added to the database, the IVR configuration step will be created. After the configuration step, the call will access the Ok folder where a hangup step will be defined.
IVR Structure
The tree like structure is displayed on the left side of the page, with a graphical layout similar to the computer folders.
A step has one or more sets options displayed. The first option is always named after the step type and, when selected, will display, on the right side of the page, some info about the selected step. Additional options for the current step are displayed under the current step name, when available.
For a better visibility, the options containing the step type are being displayed using a border.
Depending on the step type, Accolades can have additional options under the step type.
Selection info
On the right side of the page the properties of the selected option (from the tree structure on the left side) will be displayed.
Add step
The administrator can add a new step in front of an existing one, by pressing the Add button, available in the container menu that displays the step properties (the container that is being displayed when the administrator presses on the step name).
After the Add button has been pressed, Accolades will add a new Advance step in front of the current one.
Changing the step type
Accolades allows for changing a step from one type to another. For example, an Advance step can be changed into a Selection type step.
The administrator can change the type of the current step by pressing the Change button, available in the container menu that displays the step properties (the container that is being displayed when the administrator presses on the step name).
Delete step
Only Advance type of steps can be deleted from a structure (to ensure that the IVR remains online). If the administrator wants to delete another type of step then he has to first change the step type to Advance.
Only the selected step will be deleted (the previous step will be linked to the next one).
Delete branch
The IVR interface allows the administrator to delete an entire branch of the structure. Just like deleting a single step, a branch can be removed only from an Advance type of step.